Creating a Microsite

Learn how to create a Microsite in CP5

Published: Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Updated: Wednesday, September 8, 2010 16:09

Creating a Microsite is a straighforward process in CP5, however, it does require intermediate knowledge of CSS. So if you're not familiar with how to edit a stylesheet, this might be over your head.

You're probably already familiar with the settings available in the Customize Layout tab. So what has changed to make Sub Page design jump from just having different link colors and a new Masthead to a skinnable Microsite? We recently added page-specific stylesheets. Any editor with Stylesheet access can now style pages independently of their homepage.

Getting started with your Microsite is as easy as creating a new page under the Sub Pages tab (make sure to check "hide in navigation" until you're ready to launch). Here are some pointers for skinning your Microsite:

  • Your Sub Page Stylesheet will be pulled in after any Stylesheets you have created in your site's main Stylesheets tab. This means that you can easily override all of the styles set on your main site.
  • Want to have a unique domain for your Microsite? No problem. We can make the necessary changes to your DNS so that your unique domain will point to your CP5 Microsite URL.
  • You want a new navigation? It's a good idea to keep your site's main navigation structure in tact somewhere on the page so that users can get back to your main site easily. However, you can easily hide your main navigation via CSS, and use the Header Links area under the Customize Layout tab of your Sub Page to create a new navigation for your Microsite.
  • Use the Section Tagline on your Microsite to boost SEO.

If you have any questions about creating a Microsite, please send a telegram to our Support staff.

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