Creating an Article

Published: Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Updated: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 13:07

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When creating an article in the system you should always click the section of that article (for example "News"), and then click the sub tab called Article. This will allow the articles to have the correct URL string (, and Breadcrumb links on the article pages. Another benefit of creating the article in the correct section is that the article will automatically populate into that section's RSS feed. You can monitor which articles will appear in a section's RSS feed under Articles > Local Content tab of each section.

Once you click the Create in the article tab, you will pull up the Add Article Page, where you will place your content. At the top of the Add Article Page you can select to save the article as a draft, which will keep the article from appearing on the site until someone on your staff publishes it. Below that you have fields where you can fill in the Title, Subtitle, Byline, Second byline, edit the creation date, specify an article Summary, and then add your article text.

When adding the Summary or Body Text you have an editing tool bar. You can use this tool bar to change the layout and styles of the text. You have the option to add in links, anchor tags, lists, and tables for staff members who do not know HTML.

Directly below the "Body Text" box you can select to make this article Breaking News. A Breaking News article has two main differences from a standard article. 1. The Breaking News article will be given a different visual treatment when placed in a Teaser element. 2. When you save the Breaking News article you will be given the option to send out a special Breaking News e-mail to your subscribers.

After placing all of your content into the article you can upload images for the article. There are three options for attaching images. 1. "Create new image" allows you to upload a single image and edit it before attaching it to the article. 2. "Image Batch Upload" can be selected from the drop down on the right. This allows you to upload a zip file containing multiple images. This is a good option for articles that have multiple images. 3. Search. You can also use the Search in the left panel to locate photos that have already been uploaded to the system. Just copy and paste the images from the Search into the article.

The "Main Image" will be automatically pulled into Teaser, Spotlight, and Article List elements, while "Further Images" will only be displayed on the article page itself.

At the bottom of the Add Article Page is a "Related articles" section. Here you can copy and paste related content which will show up on the bottom of this article you are creating. Specifying related content for your users will encourage them to read more content, and in turn will generate more page views for your Site.

Lastly before saving the article you will need to Categorize the article on the top right. This tells the system what category the article belongs in and if you are using category lists it will automatically place the article into the corresponding list.

This is how to create a basic article.

The Elements Tab:
If you are looking for ways to add elements like videos, slideshows, or polls to an article all you need to do is click the "Elements" tab across the top of the page. In this tab you will see all of the elements you can add into the article. Elements like polls, slideshows, soundslides, and videos will add depth to your articles and keep your readers coming back.

Comments Tab:
If you do not have "add comments to ever article" box checked on your main Article tab, then this is a place where you can select to add comments to articles on a one-off basis. This is also the place where you will come to moderate article comments, if necessary.

In this tab you can select a URL segment for your article. We recommend that you leave your article URL standard for SEO purposes. You can also select a Publication time on this tab. If you have a time sensitive story, you would select an "On time," and the system will automatically publish the article at that time. If you select an "OFF time," the system will take the story offline at that time, and your users will not be able to view the article on your Site. In either case, your article should be marked as "published," not "draft," for this feature.

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