FAQ for Access Network and College Publisher

A quick reference of guide for initial questions about the new acquisition of College Media Network

Published: Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Updated: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 10:12

We put together a FAQ based on some of the feedback we got over the last week.  Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns by submitting a ticket at support.collegepublisher.com


Hey CMN, what are your thoughts about the acquisition?
We are thrilled. The Access Network Company [TANC] is a small venture-backed technology provider to publishers. So, essentially the same type of organization CMN was before we were part of MTV.

We are most excited about the new development coming to the network both in evolutions to CP5 (coming this winter) as well as refining the TANC products for CMN partners.

You'll see a host of new tools available to you and your publication. This suite of tools should provide newspapers with more choice in their service, and we think that change in operations will make CMN a lot more relevant to college media as a whole.

Has CMN staff changed?
No. We have the same core group of staff doing trainings, answering phones and performing support. The entire newspaper-facing team stayed intact through this transition.

We will have some new faces to introduce to folks like...

- Bridget Bek supports The Access Network clients on the suite of digital products they license. She is a new team member and will help support CMN clients as soon as she is up-to-speed on College Publisher.

- Ari Horowitz is The Access Network Company CEO and the vision behind CMN's new approach to college media. He is looking forward to meeting newspaper folks to begin to understand your specific priorities. We will likely be holding some more intimate introductions in the coming weeks (like an open conference call for questions).

Has any of your contact information changed?

The 866.733.9231 support number and after hours number (866.222.0664) will not change. Those numbers will be operated by TANC going forward. TANC wants as little to change as possible in the transition so newspapers can expect the same level of service (if not more).


Each staff member's direct extensions will change. Stay tuned for individual updates.


Our existing contact information will be active through the end of October, but any addresses using @mtvstaff.com or @mtvnmix.com will cease to work after the 31st. Our @collegemedianetwork.com email addresses will continue to work. In the comping weeks, we will have something shorter and easier to use.

Will your support hours and emergency hours change?
Nope. However, this is a good opportunity to point out we always extend our support hours for the first couple weeks of the semester. Take advantage!

From Viacom servers to TANC servers, will there be any downtime?
The only servers in the Viacom server environment support CP4. CMN will lease the server space from Viacom for a limited time, meaning there is no transition planned for that system. However, we will be aggressively moving forward on migrating all newspapers off CP4 by the end of summer 2011 (when that platform will be shut down permanently).

CP5 will continue to operate in the same server environment.

Will our contract with CMN still be honored?
Yes. All contracts signed in the name of MTV Networks are assumed by TANC. CMN will go forward doing business as College Publisher Inc. – so if you have a pending contract, that will need to be changed.

Please contact us directly if you have any specific questions.

Will there be any changes to the placement of national ads on my website?
No changes to ad placement are in the plans. The national ad spots are specific sizes and locations in order to keep the inventory consistent and easier to sell. Our advertising policies (as outlined in our contracts) will not change.

TANC assumes all responsibility for selling this inventory going forward. If your publication has specific questions about that process or how it relates to your ability to sell it yourself, please contact Rusty Lewis (212-651-1725).

What's the biggest change in store for our paper?
In a simple answer: No more "one size fits all."

We will open our business model to encompass the various needs and scenarios in college media. This requires individual conversations with each newspaper to customize the experience to the best of our ability.

More products will be offered. Subscription models will be introduced to those publications who feel they can monetize inventory better than TANC. At the end of the day, we want to provide services that will make the newspapers profitable for both the publication and TANC.

That said, we are not forcing any changes on existing relationships. This will be addressed one-off with those who request it.

Will there be any changes to how I place local ad campaigns on my site?
The Atlas Ad Management suite has not been ideal. This service was part and parcel of a larger MTV Networks deal. We intend to replace that software in December. The decision to switch service providers was made last semester and most of the summer was spent looking at new options. Our schedule was moved up slightly with the change to TANC, but the transition is not unplanned.

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