Web Video Production Best Practices

Published: Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Updated: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 15:07

College students bored of reading mounds of text are turning to less traditional forms of news to inform them of what's going on in the world. As a Web site primarily catering to college students you should keep your site on the cutting edge. One of the ways to do this is by using video production, and here are some tips on how to keep your video production at its best.

The first thing to remember is it's really about quality, not quantity.

When you think of video production, you may assume you need expensive camera equipment, intense editing software, and extensive training on how to use both of these. But honestly, having these things may help, but they aren't the key to keeping your multimedia elements the best they can be.

An important thing to remember about maintaining good videos is having interesting content. A video takes more time and effort to view from visitors, so making it worth the wait is vital. Don't just make a video because you're lacking multimedia content. Find a story that is visually pleasing and get an angle of that story on video. The more interesting the footage or story is the more likely visitors are to keep coming back for more.

Also, keep your content relevant to your school. Students want to see highlights of the basketball game, interviews with local band members and thoughts from your university's Chancellor. The more your viewers can relate to the videos, the more likely they will be to watch them.

Another thing to keep in mind when producing videos is keeping the length of a video short. Longer videos not only take a while to load on visitor's computers, but they don't always hold the attention of viewers for very long. A one-to-two minute video on your newly elected Student Government President will probably get more hits than a 10-minute feature on the same person.

Using third-party applications is also a great way to display multimedia on your site. Take advantage of the free software available to embed videos on your site, such as: LiveStream.com, Hulu Partner Portal, etc.

For more help on the techniques of producing videos, check out this YouTube resource page: Youtube.com/t/yt_handbook_produce.


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